Validation of Czech Hops

Verification of the origin of the Czech hops by another independent authority

Hop Research Institute Co., Ltd. watches the global situation on the hop market closely. It happens that some disreputable dealers market an alien suspicious hops under sign of the famous Saaz hops from the Czech Republic. The target customers – the breweries around the world – inform us and raise the suspicion of the forgery of the Czech hops. For these reasons we further verify the origin of the Czech hops.

The validation – the verification of the origin of hops by the other independent authority – is provided paid services. The hop samples are tested with the help of modern chemical and molecular methods.

Hop Research Institute Co., Ltd. achieved revolutionary results in the authenticity of hops and is able to demonstrate a forgery reliably.

Price for validation of hops ranges from:
5 000 – 6 000 CZK,
7940 - 9530 RUB,
1440 – 1770 CNY,
18 900 – 22 200 JPY,
200 – 240 EUR,
160 – 200 GBP,
240 – 290 USD.

In your orders or inquiries takes pleasure:

Ing. Karel Krofta, Ph.D.
head of department of hop chemistry

Phone: +420 415 732 118


Krofta K., Patzak J., 2011:
Investigation of Czech hop varieties authenticity by means of chemical and genetic analyses. Kvasny Prum. 57(7-8): 296-304. ISSN 0023-5830.


Journal Kvasný průmysl - fulltext

OLŠOVSKÁ, Jana, Karel KROFTA, Vladimíra JANDOVSKÁ, Josef PATZAK a Karel ŠTĚRBA. Metody pro ověřování autenticity odrůd chmele – účinný nástroj proti falzifikaci / Methods for verifying the authenticity of hops – an effective tool against falsification. Kvasný průmysl. 2016, 62(10), 294-305. ISSN 0023-5830.

  ©2012 Hop Research Institute Co., LTD
  438 01 Zatec, Kadanska 2525
Telefon: +420 415 732 111
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