Overview of research projects since 1994

2021 - 2025
QK21010136 (
Application of new varieties and genotypes of drought-resistant hops to cultivation and brewing practice (2021-2025)
QK1910277 (
QK1910170 (
QK1910072 (
MZE-RO1319 (
GA19-19629S (
LTE218007 (

2016 - 2020
TE02000177 (
QJ1510004 (
The gentle method of conservation thermally labile substances of hops (2015-2018)
QJ1510001 (
QJ1610418 (
QJ1630301 (
QJ1610202 (
GA13-03037S (
Combinatorial regulation and network of transcription factors involved in the biosynthesis of medicinal prenylflavonoids in hop (Humulus lupulus L.) (2013-2017)
LF15020 (
TA03021046 (
Research and Development of Hop Technology and Equipment for Cultivation of Hop Under Low Trellis (2013-2016)

2011 - 2015
TA02010557 (
Control and optimization of hop picking machine technological process (2012-2015)
CZ.1.07/2.3.00/45.0006 (
LF11008 (
Development of sustainable quality aroma dwarf hops in both the CR and the U.K. to supply brewing worldwide (2011-2014)
QI111B053 (
New procedures for utilization of agricultural raw materials and production of main kind of foods increasing their quality, safety, competitiveness and nutrition benefit for customers (2011-2014)
FR-TI3%2F376 (
Czech bio-beer (2011-2013)
FR-TI1%2F012 (
Development of hop variety Vital for agriculture, beer and pharmaceutical industry (2009-2013)
QI91B227 (
Significance of hop beta acids for Czech beer (2009-2013)
QH81049 (
An integrated system for growing hops (2008-2012)
QH81052 (
The development of molecular genetic markers for breeding and modern genetic engineering hops (Humulus lupulus) based on the system and express genomic libraries (2008-2012)
GA206%2F09%2F1967 (
Analysis of limiting the influence xylémového transportation on water status and gas exchange in plants hop (2009-2012)
2B06011 (
Development of genotypes of hops for pharmaceutical purposes and biomedicinální (2006-2011)
QH72163 (
Evaluation of the gene pool of apple (Malus x domestica), molecular genetic methods (2007-2011)
GA521%2F08%2F0740 (
Molecular analysis of transcription factors hops (H. lupulus L.) in relation to the biosynthesis lupulin (2008-2011)
QH91164 (
The use of cryotherapy to the recovery of potato and hop from selected pathogens (2009-2011)

2006 - 2010
MSM1486434701 (
Study and control of stress factors hop (2004-2010)
FI-IM5%2F181 (
Research and technology development of techniques for growing hops in low structures (2008-2010)
ME 832 (
A survey of wild hops in North Ossetia, setting their genetic value to their use as donors targeted properties in the breeding process of Czech hops and determine the appropriateness of local conditions for growing hops (2006-2010)
1QS500510558 (
Study of phytopathogen and their genetic variants ( 2005-2009)
FT-TA2%2F014 (
Research on bioactive substances from waste hops and their use in the form of supplements. ( 2005-2008)
QF3039 (
Foundation for the preservation of vegetative cryobank peaks potato and hops (2003-2007)
QF3179 (
Complex cultivation technology innovation promising varieties and breeding Czech hops (2003-2007)
QF4041 (
Study of resistance to scarlet fever růžovitých for apple and pear trees using molecular genetics (2004-2007)
1B44061 (
Application of modern methods for determining antioxidant activity to assess the quality of hops and sensory stability of beer (2004-2007)
1B44063 (
Innovation hop protection against animal pests priority as a condition for increasing the quality and health safety hop (2004-2007)
1G46060 (
The effect of the quarantine fungus Verticillium albo-atrum on the range of varieties of Czech hops (2004-2007)
FI-IM2%2F152 (
Research and development of technology of harvest and post-harvest treatment process hops (2005-2007)
FI-IM2%2F180 (
Research and development of a new type of construction for hops (2005-2007)
FI-IM%2F091 (
Design prototype packaging line hops (2004-2006)

2001 - 2005
QC1183 (
Comprehensive diagnostics and extension viroid pathogens hops, potatoes, vine, fruit and ornamental crops in the CR (2001-2005)
QC1336 (
Development of new methods for monitoring and evaluating the diversity of genetic resources and assess their potential (2001-2005)
QD1179 (
Comprehensive integrated hop protection against pests (2001-2005)
QD1181 (
Use of biotechnology in breeding and keeping material virus-free hop (2001-2005)
GA521/03/0072 (
Functional genomics of hops (H. lupulus L.) with regard to the production of genes kodeterminující lupulin (2003-2005)
QC0048 (
Molecular diagnostics and Enzyme selected quarantine, regulated and economically damaging plant pathogens (2000-2004)
FF-P/024 (
Technology for industrial processing hops (2002-2004)
EP9351 (
Hop processing technology to non-traditional food purposes (1999-2002)
EP9355 (
Control of factors affecting yield formation and quality of promising varieties of hops (1999-2002)
EP9356 (
Zoning hop hybrid genotypes (1999-2002)
EP9357 (
Innovation breeding methods to reduce the time of creation of new hybrid varieties (1999-2002)
FA-E3/051 (
Application of Czech origin vysokoobsažných hops in the brewing industry (2000-2002)
GA521/99/1591 (
Blocking sequences related chalcone synthase with antisense and sense RNAs: study genes causing the biosynthesis of bitter compounds in hops (H.lupulus) (1999-2001)

1994 - 2000
EP0960006300 (
Complex addressing hop protection against .. (1996-2000)
EP7253 (
Research Saaz hop varieties and breeding from the perspective of their application in modern brewery-tion technologies (1997-2000)
EP7254 (
Molecular testing of the genetic stability of hop genotypes of plants, check the authenticity of the breeding material and varieties. (1997-2000)
EP7255 (
Research resistant aphids and red spider hop hop and its use for follow-hop protection. (1997-2000)
ME 243 (
The model for quantification of secondary metabolites (1997-2000)
EP0960996299 (
Molecular diagnostics hop viroids and their elimination (1996-1999)
IE0950975098 (
Progressive hop irrigation systems and their effectiveness (1995-1997)
GA503/95/1583 (
Molecular characterization and labeling of the genome of Czech hops (1995-1997)
IE0940964032 (
Use and improvement of the biological potential of hops in ecologically difficult conditions (1994-1996)
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