Journal Chmelarstvi
Czech hop varieties
National repository of grey literature
Research farm in Stekník
Research station in Tirschitz

News review 2017


September 11-15, 2017
Germany, Munich

HRI - managing director Josef PATZAK PhD, PhD, chemist Karel KROFTA, PhD and brewer Jan Hervert visited the trade fair for the beverage and liquid food industry 'Drinktec' in Munich.

HRI visited the trade fair

Published by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic in cooperation with the Hop Growers Union of the Czech Republic.

New publication

The Embassy of the Czech Republic cordially organized a special evening, From Farm to Table: CZECH HOP BEER MAKING, with beer experts Josef Patzak, managing director of the Hop Research Insitute; Zdenek Rosa, chairman of Chmelarstvi and Bohemia Hop; and Bill Butcher, founder/owner of Port City Brewery, followed by a tasting of beer made from Czech hops, paired with delicious Czech cuisine prepared by Embassy Chef Zdenek Pecka.

The evening included a discussion on hop growing in the Czech Republic, delivery to the brewery, and using Czech hops for beer making.

Special evening of The Embassy of the Czech Republic:

April 10-13, 2017
USA, Washington D.C.
Craft Brewers conference & BrewExpo America 2017

HRI - managing director Josef PATZAK PhD, Karel Krofta PhD (chemist), Vladimír Nesvadba PhD (breeder) and Jan Hervert (brewer) visited "Brewers conference & BrewExpo America 2017".

HRI visited Craft Brewers conference & BrewExpo America 2017
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