Department of Biotechnology

Eradication of viral diseases from hop materials by meristem culture and thermotherapy and their maintenance and multipropagation

Diagnosis of hop viruses and viroids by ELISA, molecular hybridization and PCR techniques, control of hop rootstock health recovery and record keeping for the purpose of the recognition procedure in cooperation with CISTA

Hop genetic resources collection and maintaining by in vitro techniques

Molecular genetic testing of the stability of plant genotypes, hop breeding material and check the authenticity of registered varieties of hops

Molecular characterization of hop genome, analysis of individual genes of secondary metabolism biosynthesis

Study of resistance to fungal diseases of hops

Molecular diagnosis of fungal pathogens and insect pests

Research projects

„Molecular characterisation and labeling of hop genome“ (503/95/1583 - GACR, 1996-1998)

„Molecular diagnosis of hop viroids and their elimination“ (EP 0960996299 - NAAR Ministry of Agriculture, 1996-1999)

„Molecular testing of genetic stability of hop genotypes, control of breeding material and authencity of hop cultivar“ (EP 7254 - NAAR Ministry of Agriculture, 1997-2000)

„Antisense and sense targeting of chalcone synthase-related sequences: study genes involved in bitter acid biosynthesis in hop (Humulus lupulus L.)“ (521/99/1591 - GACR, 1999-2001)

“Inovation of breeding methods with the aim of time shortening registration of new hybrid hop varieties” (EP 9357 - NAAR Ministry of Agriculture, 1999-2001)

„Molecular a imunoenzymatic diagnosis of selected quarantine, regulated and economical harmful plant pathogens“ (QC0048 - NAAR Ministry of Agriculture, 2000-2004)

“Complex diagnostics and distribution of viroid pathogens of hop, potato, grapevine, fruit and ornamental plants in CR“ (QC 1183 - NAAR Ministry of Agriculture, 2001-2004)

“Development and employment of new approaches for monitoring of genetic diversity and large-scale screening of genetic resources“ (QC 1336 - NAAR Ministry of Agriculture, 2001-2004)

„Utilization of biotechnology during multipropagation and maintenance of virus-free materials of hop“ (QD 1181 - NAAR Ministry of Agriculture, 2001-2004)

„Functional genomics of hop (H. lupulus L.) with respect to genes co-determining lupulin production. (521/03/0072 - GACR, 2003-2005)

„Establishment of cryobank for conservation of vegetative tips of potato and hop“ (QF 3039 - NAAR Ministry of Agriculture, 2003-2007)

„Investigation and control stress factors of hop“ (MSM 1486434701, Ministry of Education, 2004-2010)

„Study of resistance to fire blight in apple and pear by molecular genetics“ (QF 4041 - NAAR Ministry of Agriculture, 2004-2007)

„Effect of quarantine fungi Verticillium albo-atrum on collection of Czech hop varieties“ (1G46060 - NAAR Ministry of Agriculture, 2004-2007)

"Study of phytopathogenes occurrence and its genetic variants“ (1QS500510558, AS CR, 2005-2009)

„Development of hop genotypes for biomedicinal and pharmaceutical purposes“ (2B06011, Ministry of Education, 2006-2011)

„Evaluation of apple (Malus x domestica) genetic resources by molecular genetic methods“ (QH72117, - NAAR Ministry of Agriculture, 2007-2011)

„Development of molecular-genetic markers for modern breeding and gene engineering of hop (Humulus lupulus) based on the system of genomic and expression libraries“ (QH81052, - NAAR Ministry of Agriculture, 2008-2012)

„Molecular analysis of transcription factors of hop (H. lupulus L.) in relation to lupulin biosynthesis“ (521/08/0740 - GACR, 2008-2011)

„Utilization of cryotherapy to health improving of potato and hop from selected pathogens“ (QH91164 - NAAR Ministry of Agriculture, 2009-2011)

„Analysis of restricted influence of xylem transport on water condition and gas flux in hop plants“ (GA206/09/1967 - GACR, 2009-2012)

„Hop industry lifelong learning program“ (2010-1-SI1-LEO05-01608, EU - Leonardo da Vinci, 2010-2012)

„Development of sustainable quality aroma dwarf hops in both the CR and the U.K. to supply brewing worldwide“ (LF11008, EU – EUREKA, 2011-2014)

„Combinatorial regulation and network of transcription factors involved in the biosynthesis of medicinal prenylflavonoids in hop (Humulus lupulus L.)“ (13-03037S, GACR, 2013-2017)

„Centre for innovative use and strengthening of competitiveness of Czech brewery raw materials and products“ (TE02000177, Centre of Competence TACR, 2014-2019)

Grants of the Ministry of Agriculture

3.b. Support of spatial and technical isolates of propagation material of fruit crops, grapevine and hop with a focus on protection against the spread of economically important viral diseases

3.c. Support of tests of propagation materials by imunoenzymatic and PCR methods and techniques

National program for conservation and utilization of genetic resources of microorganisms and small animals with economic importance

BC AS CR, IPMB, Ceske Budejovice
CRI, Prague-Ruzyne
RBIP, Holovousy
PRI, Havlickuv Brod
Molecular analyses and diagnostics
Head of Department
Ing. Josef PATZAK, Ph.D.
tel: +420 415 732 133
Virus-free rootstocks and in vitro cultures
Ing. Petr Svoboda, CSc.
tel: +420 415 732 121
ORCID: 0000-0001-6368-7039
Scopus Author ID: 56948387200
Technical worker (ELISA tests and in vitro cultures)
Ing. Ivana Malířová
Technical worker (molecular analyses)
Ing. Alena Henychová
Technical worker
Mrs Lucie Zahrádková