Hop research

Hop research has within Czech hop cultivation a long tradition and important position. The beginning of its activity can be shown since 1925, it is the time when hop station was established.

In 1950 Hop Research Institute was put into operation. The main objective of it is not only hop breeding but hop protection against pests and diseases as well.

Within hop cultivation technologies Hop Research Institute solved the problematic of reconstruction to wide-spacing planting of hop stock, progressive methods in hop cultivation, development in mechanisation, hops harvesting and processing. A great deal of attention was devoted to hop breeding of Saaz semi-early red bine hops.

Breeding work is contemporary aimed at breeding of new varieties. We are trying to get new hybrid aroma and bitter hops which could be utilised in brewing industry.

Research activities

Hop Research Institute Co., Ltd. is engaged in complex scientific and research activities in the area of cultivation, harvest and post-harvest treatment of hops. It performs breeding, maintenance and propagation of Czech hop varieties. Testing of varieties is carried out in experimental brewery. It solves the greening of production and the environment of the areas, protection and quality of hops. Activities include consultancy and training services for entrepreneurs in hop growing. Hop Research Institute Co., Ltd., for implementation of the above mentioned activities, particularly field experimentation, has a research farm, which is situated in Stekník (near Žatec, Saaz) and in a research station in Tršice (near Olomouc).

Hop Research Institute Co., Ltd. from an organizational point of view is divided into scientific and research base in Saaz, research farm in Stekník (near Žatec, Saaz) and research station in Tršice (near Olomouc). The scientific research base in Žatec includes:

Department of hop genetics and breeding,
Department of hop chemistry,
Department of hop biotechnology,
Department of hop protection,
Department of hop cultivation.

Business activities

Hop Research Institute Co., Ltd. in addition to comprehensive research and development of hop plant, which form the core of the enterprise, is engaged in commercial activities. The most important business activities include:

Production and sale of hop seedlings (only for Czech growers),
Production and sale of hops (around the world),
Production and sale of Czech “organic hops” or “hops under conversion to organic farming”,
Production and sale of crop production (mainly cereals).


Hop Research Institute Co., Ltd. provides in its activities the following services:

(Chemical) analyses of hops (KH determination, HPLC, impurities, ...),
Advice on growing hops,
Training course for operators of hop picking machines and hop kilns,
Verification of brewing recipes in different technologies (brewhouse - fermentation - cellar or cylinder-conic-tank),
Testing of new pesticide active substances in plant protection ("registration trials"),
Testing of the effectiveness of fertilizers and other preparations,
Organizing beer tasting competition during the “Hop Harvest Festival in Žatec”,
The auditorium, tasting-room and conference-room for rent.

The Supervisory Board

Hop Growers Union of the Czech Republic is hundred-per-cent owner of the Hop Research Institute Co., Ltd. The following members were elected for supervision:

Mr Václav Burger (chairman)
Mrs Lenka Harantová
Mr Ivo Klapal
Mr Jiří Kořen PhD

For Hop Research Institute Co., Ltd. produced by the TV OK plus Žatec.
Source: www.youtube.com, user: www.televizezatec.cz, published 2017-04-05.

For Hop Research Institute Co., Ltd. produced by the TV OK plus Žatec.
Source: www.youtube.com, user: www.televizezatec.cz, published 2016-11-07.

  ©2012 Hop Research Institute Co., LTD
  438 01 Zatec, Kadanska 2525
Telefon: +420 415 732 111
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