Department of Chemistry hop
The laboratory is equipped with top instrumentation for gas and liquid chromatography, UV-VIS spectroscopy and conductometry.

Department activities are focused on:

Analyses of hops and hop products for growers and business organizations in order, declaration of Quality for the purpose of buying and selling hops.

Research projects financially supported by the State (GAČR, NAZV, MPO, MŠMT) in the field of breeding, growing and processing hops, content and composition of secondary metabolites of hops and the occurrence of contaminants.
List of analyzes

The water content of hops and hop products

Biological additives

Conductivity value of hops (CSN, EBC 7.4, 7.7 EBC, EBC 7.6)

Determination of the content and composition of bitter acids (EBC 7.7)

The content and composition of hop oils (GC / MS)

The content of seeds

The content of nitrate liquid chromatography

Determination of xanthohumol in hops and desmethylxanthohumol

The composition of hop resins Wőllmerovou method

Antioxidant activity of hops (DPPH)

Index aging hops (ASBC)

Spectrophotometric determination of alpha and beta bitter acids (ASBC)

Determination of pesticide residues

The content of total polyphenols
Beer, wort:

Determination of bitterness units (EBC)

The content of xanthohumol and isoxanthohumol

The content of total polyphenols

Iso-alpha, alpha and beta bitter acids by liquid chromatography

Ing. Karel KROFTA, Ph.D.
phone: +420 415 732 118